IVF laboratory
PICK UP (retrieval of eggs from follicles)
This step is performed in the operating room and under general anesthesia, and the resulting follicular fluid is recovered to retrieve the egg at the Workstation , pictured below. This step is performed under a loop microscope to be accurate in retrieving the egg from the follicular fluid. All steps must be at a temperature of 37 degrees, which is the feature of this stage.
Egg preparation (denudation) processes for microinjection, ICSI , egg and embryo thawing, egg and embryo freezing , and testicular tissue preparation from testicular biopsy ( TESE ) to detect sperm or freeze are performed on this WORK STATION . Eggs, embryos, and testicular tissue are frozen in special protocols and stored in liquid nitrogen tanks for a specified period of time.
Department of Andrology
It consists of a centrifuge and a microscope in which activities such as spermogram , sperm preparation for IUI and ICSI techniques are performed.
After preparing the egg and sperm, the fertilization process ( ICSI ) is performed with a microinjection device.
Fertilized eggs are stored in special incubators for three to five days to continue their growth and development into embryos, where the temperature and CO2 level are adjusted