A 30-year-old woman with a history of pregnancy in the previous six years who had a miscarriage due to premature rupture of the

Patient No. 8

A 30-year-old woman with a history of pregnancy in the previous six years who had a miscarriage due to premature rupture of the

A 30-year-old woman with a history of pregnancy in the previous six years who had a miscarriage due to premature rupture of the amniotic sac

A 30-year-old woman with a history of pregnancy six years ago who had a miscarriage due to premature rupture of the amniotic sac remains part of the placenta in the uterus after pregnancy and due to multiple myomas, despite curettage, the pregnancy remains Complete not out. In transabdominal ultrasound, the uterus contains numerous myomas that extend from the lower segment of the uterus to the fundus of the uterus. Also, the remains of the pregnancy are 40 × 32 mm at the end of the foundation and behind one of the myomas.

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